7 DAYS Bond Back Cleaning Guarantee

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    Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

    Are you planning to move into a new rental property and looking for End of Lease Cleaning service in Melbourne? As a matter of cleaning issues, start your inquiry with us in Free of cost and easy communication process. Melbourne Vacate Cleaning offers exceptional Vacate Cleaning in all suburbs of Melbourne (Melbourne Metro (CBD) and outside of Melbourne Metro). We offer 7 DAYS Bond Return Guarantee that means if your agent/property manager/landlord isn’t satisfied with the service then we will come again and fix it up at no extra cost.

    Get a customized end of lease cleaning price according to your requirements. Check with us for your Vacate Cleaning Melbourne near me service as we’ve been providing an end of tenancy cleaning and builders cleaning from last 10 years, and cleaned 10,156+ properties. All of us have highly experienced bond cleaners and new technology equipment to give you efficient results in minimal time. Get Your deposit money back once you book your end of lease cleaning service with us. We take payment upfront on the day and give you a 100% bond back cleaning receipt. We take full payment on the day before we leave the property and provide you 7 DAYS free re cleaning receipt if the agent isn’t happy with the clean.  We charge $50 cancellation fees once you confirm the booking with us. 


    Happy clients


    Service Guarantee


    Cleaning Experts


    Bond Clean Completed

    Why Book With Melbourne Vacate Cleaning?

    ✔ End Of Lease Cleaning With 100% Bond back Cleaning Guarantee in Melbourne.

    ✔ Free Quote over the phone/email

    ✔ Book Online and get 10% off.

    ✔ Reasonable price compared to big companies

    ✔ No shocking upsell price on the day.

    ✔ High-qualified experienced cleaners

    ✔ No-hidden charge or extra cost

    ✔ Free 7 DAYS Re-Clean Service

    ✔ Same prices on the weekend and public holidays

    ✔ We’ll Beat Any Written Quote

    ✔ Get Your Deposit Money Back

    Easy Steps to Get Your 100% Bond Money Back

    Inquiry: Call us, send us a text message or email to get a free quote. Describe your requirement and service to get a customised quote.

    Schedule: Schedule your cleaning service at your preferred date and time. We’re flexible to work in the early morning, afternoon, and weekends.

    Cleaning Day: Get your bond cleaning on fixed time by our professional cleaners. Hand over your property key to the real estate or landlord for inspection. 

    Bond Back Guarantee: We assure you to get your 100% bond money back. If your Real estate agent or landlord will find any issues then we’ll come back for re-cleaning without any extra cost in 7 Days. Furthermore,  you will get printed invoice with ABN/ACN number to claim your bond money.

    Call us today. Price starts from $160. Open 7 Days & No extra cost on Weekends/Public holidays.

    End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne. 100% Bond Money Return Guarantee. We'll Beat Any Written Quote.

    End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

    At the time of the tenant’s agreement, landlords keep bond money as a protection of their property and release money after the property inspection at end of the tenancy. Bond Back cleaning is one of the conditions of the rental agreement by the landlord and real estate agent. Every tenant is required to clean their entire property at the time of the move to get their bond money return with carpet cleaning proof of invoice.

    Melbourne Vacate Cleaning provides 100% Bond Money Back Guarantee with proper receipt/invoice with ABN/ACN number written on it. If the real estate agents find any missing cleaning areas then we’ll come back for re-clean in 7 DAYS. In fact, the landlord will release the full bond money because of our satisfactory cleaning work. Our service provides excellent vacate cleaning service which covers everything inside of the property. That includes everything such as bedrooms, toilets, bathrooms, carpet steam cleaning, kitchen, oven, stovetop, range hood, windows and many more.  Our policy is to take payment upfront on the day and we will give you a 100% bond back cleaning receipt.

    Bond Cleaning Melbourne

    Request a Quote

    Request a Quote

      End of Lease Cleaning Checklist

      Bedrooms/Dining Room/Living room/Hallway checklist:

      • Spot clean on the walls – Wipe down small mark marks on the walls.
      • Surface and Edge – All Surface and Edges clean
      • Doors, Frames and Handles – Wipe down and clean doors, door frames and handles
      • Light Switches and PowerPoint – Remove cobwebs and clean dust all light switches and power points
      • Floors – Vacuum and mop all floors (Including hardwood, vinyl/timber, tiles and carpet)
      • Cupboards and Draws – Interior and exterior of all cupboards and drawers
      • Mirrors – All mirrors and glass surfaces from inside
      • Ledges – Windows from inside, window sills, window frames, bug screens from inside everything inside of the property (Outside windows will be an extra cost)
      • Railings – Wipe downstair bannisters and railings
      • Light switches – Dust and clean light fixtures and remove cobwebs
      • Cobwebs – Remove cobwebs from the entire property from inside
      carpet steam cleaning image
      bathroom cleaning

      Bathroom checklist:

      • Mirrors – All surface areas, shower rails and mirrors from shower and shower screen.
      • Sanitize toilet –  Clean and sanitize toilet, sink and bath to remove any bacteria
      • Tiles & Grout – All tiles and grouts between tiles joints
      • Mould clean – Remove any small mould from bathroom tiles by using special chemical
      • Shower door and screens – Shower doors or screens and handles
      • Light switches – Clean and remove dust from all light switches and power points
      • Cupboards – Clean and wipe down the interior and exterior of all cupboards and drawers
      • Laundry – Clean and sanitize laundry basin
      • Floor – Sweep and mop all floors and sanitize floor (remove bacteria)

      Kitchen checklist:

      • Cupboards and Drawer – Wipe down the interior and exterior of all cupboards and drawers
      • Surface and splashback – Clean all countertops, splashback and surface areas throughout everywhere in the kitchen.
      • Oven – Clean interior and exterior of the oven, drip trays
      • Extra cost appliances– Microwave, dishwasher, fridge, defrost freezer (Extra Cost)
      • Cooking areas – Clean stove, hotplates, grill and rangehood
      • Windows from Inside – Clean windows, window sills, window and door frames, handles, bug screens (From Inside)
      • Light switches – Clean all light switches and power points
      • Floor – Vacuum and mop all floors


      • Garage or driveway
      • Balcony
      • Outside windows
      • Patio
      • Appliances except for the oven
      • Garden
      How to Clean an Oven

      End Of Tenancy Cleaning Service

      At the end of the lease, Tenants are committed to returning your house/office in a precise condition as per bond agreement. Our goal is to present thoroughly cleaned property, it helps tenants to get their 100% bond back. We’re at Melbourne Vacate Cleaning, always stick with our quoted price and never up-sell on the cleaning day unless you’ve requested for extra service. Additional cleaning charges depend on the time and effort needed to finish the job. End of Tenancy Cleaning quote is based on your described property such as a number of bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms, carpet steam cleaning, and another cleaning requirement. Our foremost goal is to provide you satisfaction service so tenants can focus on other important things while moving out of the property. Our End Of Lease cleaners are well qualified and equipped, and they have sufficient expertise with the property manager or real estate agent cleaning inspection requirements.

      Due to work commitments, lack of time & resources, tenants can’t clean their property up to the agent’s standard. All our Melbourne Vacate cleaners provide satisfaction moving out cleaning service for property inspection, mid-term tenant inspection, or moving in.

      residential house cleaning services

      Move out Cleaning Service

      Move out cleaning checklist

      Vacate Cleaning Melbourne required to pay attention to all areas of the checklist. Our expert Vacate Cleaners will clean your entire property from inside and make sure that you’ll get your full bond money back. We’ll beat any written quote in a market and assure that our customers move without paying any extra money in the cleaning service.

      Our Vacate Cleaning Service provides a comprehensive end of lease cleaning checklist that covers everything inside of the property from top to bottom. As a reputed cleaning company in Melbourne, our primary policy is honesty and transparency. Vacate Cleaning is the last deep clean of any rented property.

      Frequently Asked Questions:

      How much does end of lease cleaning cost?

      Vacate cleaning cost depends on the type of service that you after, however our cleaning prices start from $159 inclusive GST. That also includes your 100% Bond back cleaning guarantee. Get an estimated quote by providing us precise detail of the property such as the number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, property condition, and other outside cleaning requirements. If you hire a window cleaner, carpet cleaner separately then you’ll end up paying more than $350 in total for a single bedroom apartment.

      What is Bond Back Cleaning Guarantee?

      It is a free re-clean service to our customer. Melbourne vacate cleaning provides 7 DAYS BOND BACK Cleaning Guarantee. If your agent/landlord isn’t happy with the cleaning, then we’ll come back and clean it for you at no extra cost. However, we’re not responsible for any other issues such as burnt or torn carpet, walls hole etc.

      Do we need to arrange car parking for cleaners?

      Yes, that is correct. You need to arrange car parking for us. If you are situated in Melbourne CBD then you have to arrange either paid parking or street parking for us to be able to let to end of lease cleaners in the property.

      Do I need to arrange the cleaning materials and equipment for you?

      No. You don’t have to leave any cleaning material for us. We bring our Cleaning equipment, vacuum cleaning machine, steam cleaning machine and other cleaning tools.

      Can I leave my keys to the safe place, as I cannot be at home during the cleaning day?

      Of course, if you can’t be at the property then please leave the key inside of the letterbox/electricity box or any safe place at the property. We can clean the property and leave the keys on the same place.

      Can you clean furnished property?

      Yes, we do furnish apartment/property, however, we can’t move furniture and clean behind it. However, it can take longer time to compare to the vacant property.

      How Long you have been doing lease end cleaning in Melbourne?

      We have been doing end of lease cleaning in Melbourne since 2012 in this industry. We’ve worked with most of the real estate agents in Melbourne.

      How long does Vacate cleaning usually take?

      Usually, all it depends on the service that you after. Vacate cleaning takes between 4 hours to 10 hours depending on the condition of the house and number of services that you require. Studio/1 bedroom property takes 4 to 6 hours with steam cleaning. 2 bedrooms property take 6 to 8 hours. 3 bedrooms property take up to 8 to 10 hours. We always send 2 end of lease cleaners in the team to give you key back on the same day. Our cleaners are highly experienced any quick to finish the job in a time frame but messy property can take more time to do proper deep cleaning.

      Does Vacate clean include outside windows?

      Melbourne vacate cleaning offer outside windows at minimal cost, however, it doesn’t include with the end of lease cleaning package. Many agents don’t ask for the outside windows and reason being that sometimes it is windy or rainy so it won’t keep it cleaned.

      How many cleaners will come for move out property cleaning?

      Melbournevacatecleaning always sends 2-3 people in a team to get the work done quicker in a minimal amount of time. Also, all cleaners are well experienced enough to get the clean done faster and also with the attention to detailed. All cleaners have Background-checked and interviewed in person

      Should I lease the Property Empty for the best vacate cleaning?

      It is always better to do the vacate clean when the property is empty. Furniture or other items should only be left if they belong to the property. Cleaners can clean your entire property without putting their extra efforts to move your stuff.

      Do you provide invoice/receipt of the cleaning?

      Yes, absolutely. We provide 100% BOND BACK CLEANING Invoice/receipt with ABN/ACN number written on it. If agent isn’t happy with the clean then we’ll organize time and re-clean the place.

      Do you clean appliances such as fridge, microwave and dishwasher?

      Yes, we do, but it will be incorporated with the extra cost. We do clean OVEN IN A FREE OF COST as a part of end of lease cleaning, however other appliances will be on extra cost depending on the how many of them you want us to clean.

      Does it include outside windows?

      Melbourne vacate cleaning offer outside windows at minimal cost, however, it doesn’t include with the end of lease cleaning package. Many agents don’t ask for the outside windows and reason being that sometimes it is windy or rainy so it won’t keep it cleaned.

      Can you clean the property to get ready for the inspection? We’re about to put my house on the market and I need it deep cleaned throughout. Is this type of service that you provide?

      Yes, we can assist you with sanitizing your property and making it sparkling clean to potential buyers. We offer you reasonable price for the in-depth end of lease cleaning and sanitizing the place. Our vacate cleaner everything inside of the property from top to bottom, also that covers full kitchen, bathroom, windows, bedrooms, laundry and other key areas. Let us know your requirements to get an estimate quote for the deep cleaning of the property.

      Our Recent Work

      Our Services

      End Of Lease Cleaning Services
      End of lease Cleaning, vacate cleaning Melbourne

      Bond Cleaning Melbourne

      Our expert cleaners follow real-estate agent requirements and cleaning checklist to provide you 100% Bond Back Guarantee.

      Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

      Vacate Cleaning Melbourne

      We customize your vacate cleaning requirements and provide you affordable quote to get your full bond back.

      builders Cleaning

      Builders Cleaning Melbourne

      We provide builders cleaning in Melbourne. We cover all renovated surfaces of the building.



      garage cleaning

      How to clean Garage?

      Garage is the place where we keep used or unnecessary items. It requires to clean up twice in a year to keep the garage organised. Garage cleaning is required at the time of leaving the rental property.
      Balcony Cleaning

      Balcony Cleaning Tips & Tricks for Everyone

      Balcony is an outdoor additional area of the house. Pet makes it dirty all the time. Balcony requires thorough cleaning. Anyone can clean the balcony by using basic cleaning products unless you’re running out of the time.