How to Remove Dust

Simple Cleaning Tips: How to Remove Dust from Your Home?

How to Remove Dust from Your Home?

Regular cleaning of the house is an important task for every household. Even though you clean the house regularly, dust will come back again. It requires much attention to detail in cleaning. Here are a few simple cleaning tips to remove dust from the house. If you’re using feather duster then you may need to put it aside. Feather duster can only spread dust rather than removing it. Fibre cloth can help better to remove the dust quickly. In this article, we’ve covered simple tips and answer for a question: how to remove dust from the house?

Walls Dust Cleaning:

  • Remove cobwebs by using your vacuum cleaner with additional attachment. It can easily remove cobwebs without a mess.
  • If you have some pen, pencil and Crayon drawing marks on walls then simply use household products such as dishwashing liquid, baking soda or eraser to remove them. Find out more about DIY walls cleaning here.
  • Long handed sweeper can remove the dust quickly, and it is easy to use in your regular cleaning.
  • Wet fibre cloth can remove most of the dust. Simply use warm water and clean fibre cloth to wipe down the surface or scrub it. Use dishwashing liquid to remove some wall marks.

Remove dust from Electronics items:

  • Electronics devices like desktop, TV screen, Microwave, Music player company provide some basic instruction to take care of the cleaning.
  • You can remove dust from the cords and screen by wiping down the surface with the dry or wet cloth. Don’t use too much water to clean the surface otherwise, it can damage the device.
  • Use the duster to remove dust from the surrounding areas.
  • Cotton swabs can remove micro dust from the keyboard and USB ports.
  • Glass cleaning liquid to make your device’s screen shiny and sparkling.
  • Use cleaning wipes to remove dust from the electronic devices.

Kitchen Appliances:

  • Oven, kitchen top, range hood, kitchen walls get oil, dust, dirt very often. You can remove grime and grease by using dishwashing liquid and cleaning liquid.
  • Wipe down the surface with the wet cloth or sponge. Scrub them well with soapy water and cloth.
  • Kitchen appliances such as refrigerator, microwave can get dust, dirt from various reasons. You can easily remove dusts from the appliances.
  • Do regular cleaning of the kitchen surface and kitchen appliances to remove dirt, grime, germs, oil etc.

Dust from the Floor:

  • Whether your property floor covered with the carpet or not, floors can get dust all the time. Regular vacuuming and moping can minimise the dust.
  • Floor gets feather, hair, skin cells, dust particles, germ throughout the day. If you’ve pets at home, then clean them properly daily.
  • Steam clean your carpet once or twice in a year to remove dust from the carpet. Carpet steam cleaning removes dust, stain, germs and bacteria from the carpet by pressure water extraction method. Professional carpet cleaners can clean thoroughly and leave the carpet in a fresh new condition.

Other Dust Removal Tricks:

  • Wash your bed-sheet, cloths regularly to avoid forming dusts
  • Remove cobwebs as early you can notice. Simply swipe the cobwebs by wiping with the cloth, duster or broom.
  • Take off your shoes at the doorsteps. You can use your indoor shoes inside the house. Wash them regularly to keep them dust-free.
  • Wipe down ceiling fans with damp fibre cloth to remove dust.
  • Pack your seasonal clothes, kids extra toys in plastic bags so they can’t get dusty.
  • Clean your ac filter and other devices regular interval so germs and dust remove completely.
  • Blinds and curtains get dust easily, so they require dusting every week to remove the dust.

Hire Professional cleaning service:

Most of the housemates maintain their entire house by doing regular weekly cleaning. It’s a good practice to conduct the dust regularly. Sometimes, you can’t meet the cleaning requirements. In that case, you can hire professional cleaners to do the job for you.

If you’re leaving from the rental property then end of lease cleaning is the most important part to get your 100% bond money back. Expert end of lease cleaning Melbourne has a professional cleaning team. We provide attention to detail on all parts of the property and remove  dirt, oil, grime and germs.


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